Make a professional recommendation to the Premier Team
When making your recommendation please in clude: 1.) A catigory, for example: Gerentology. 2.) The professional's full mame and title. 3.) Address. 4.) Office phone number and web address. .5) Recommendation: A short description of the professional's expertees and unique qualities. Note: Your name will appear with your recommendation.
Clinical Laboratory/Phlebotomy Services
Envison Clinical Laboratory
629 Airport Road, Suit C, Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Recommendation: Mikelle Coleby, Account Manager cell: 678-251-8180 fax: 770-545-8840. Referred by Dr Figiel and NP, Valerie Fanning. (Melissa)
Lift chair/recliner: Private rental:
1. Medisource: 770-528-9559
$200 refundable deposit
Week: $99
Month: $175
$125 one time delivery/pick up fee
2. Heavenly Wheels 678-374-1949
$150 one time delivery/pick up fee
3. ADA Medical Supply 678-398-0505
$150 one time delivery/pick up fee
Benefits Check-Up. This website sponsored by the National Council on Aging is set up to help you find what state, federal and local government health and financial programs are available in your area. (Tracy)
Eldercare at Home – Sponsored by the American Geriatrics Society Foundation for Health in Aging, you will find nearly 30 articles excerpted from their book “Eldercare At Home”. Although not specific to end of life care, these articles cover many common issues including physical problems, mental/social problems and caregiving techniques and strategies. Each one is organized so that it explains the problem, describes what you can do to at home, and highlights when you need to seek professional help. (Tracy)
Medline Plus – Caregivers. This resource is loaded with information to help a caregiver with coping, specific conditions, aging-related issues and financial issues. It also offers a section on aging research, dictionaries and glossaries related to aging. (Tracy)
Family Caregiver Alliance. This site offers information and resources for those family members caring for loved ones. (Tracy)
Government Made Easy. Caregiver’s Resource – An official government site offers caregiver’s resources such as: finding help providing care, government benefits, legal matters, and support for caregivers. (Tracy)
American Medical Association. Aging and Community Health – Addresses caregiver health issues, and family caregiving issues. Also gives caregivers an assessment tool to identify if they are in need of medical services. (Tracy)
Paying For Seniors. The PayingforSeniorCare.com website and the Eldercare Financial Resource Locator Tool were created by the American Elder Care Research Organization and are owned and maintained by leading senior care referral company Caring, LLC. Thier mission is to help individuals plan and implement senior care. The website is designed to help families and caregivers locate information about senior care resources for their loved ones, and to find the public and private programs available to assist in covering the cost of such care.