Our Premier Vision
Welcome to the back office work space page! You play a vital role in the success of Premier Care Management. You were selected from among your professional colleagues because we consider you to be a gifted and qualified person of excellence. In keeping with our vision as "Atlanta's Premier Care Management Firm" we have set our standards for client care and service high. Start here by learning about our Premier Standards:
Our Premier Standards are the foundation of Premier Care Management of Georgia. These standard are set high in order to achieve our vision as Atlanta’s Premier Care Management firm. These standards of excellence inspire the values and philosophy by which we agree to operate our business.
As a Care Manager Leader of Premier Care Management you have been selected from among your peers because we believe you have the unique qualities of genuine compassion, competence and trust. We believe these essential qualities form the foundation of excellence in the delivery of our services to our clients and this is our highest mission.
You have also been selected because we believe you have the gifting, expertise and experience to offer the finest personalized service and care to our clients. It is important to understand that our overriding mission is NOT to merely “satisfy” our clients as this level of service is “common” and expected. We seek to be UNCOMMON in the delivery of our service and we actively plan and prepare to EXCEED our client’s expectations.
You are now part of a Premier Team that has been selected because we believe you have the ability to enliven the senses, instill well-being, and fulfill even the unexpressed wishes and care needs of our clients.
At Premier Care Management of Georgia we serve our clients with “Excellence and Compassion in Care”. This motto exemplifies the highest level of service provided by all of our care manager leaders.
As a Care Manager leader of Premier Care Management you have the essential qualities necessary to be a growing and highly successful Care Manager. With this vision for success in mind, we strongly encourage our Care Manager leaders to embrace the following standards:
A warm and sincere greeting making eye contact with a smile.
Use the client’s name. Anticipation and fulfill of each client’s care needs.
A fond farewell. Give a warm good-bye with a smile and use the client’s name.
Service values and a positive attitude: I am proud to be a Care Manager working with Premier Care Management because I am a vital part of a company with a strong vision for excellence and compassion in care.
I build strong and lasting relationships with clients, families and caregivers.
I am always responsive to the expressed and unexpressed wishes and needs of our clients.
I am empowered to create unique, memorable and personal care management experiences for our clients.
I understand my role in achieving successful service experiences and outcomes in building Premier Care Management’s growing reputation for excellence, compassion and care.
I continuously seek opportunities to innovate and improve the care management experience.
I actively engage in continuous learning (reading, studying and attending conferences) to improve upon my craft.
I own and immediately resolve client issues and problems.
I create a work environment of teamwork and lateral service so that the care management needs of our clients and each other are fully met.
I take the opportunity to continuously learn, grow and improve.
I am involved and engaged in the process of communication and collaboration with our team.
I am proud of my professional appearance, my positive attitude and professional behavior.
I protect the privacy and security of our clients, my fellow agents and the company's confidential information and assets.
I am responsible for the highest level of excellence in care management service and I inspire others to pursue the same.
At Premier Care Management we believe our team of care management leaders are the most important resource in our service commitment to our clients. We are committed to helping you develop and grow in your profession as a care manager. Your personal success and individual aspirations are important to us. We truly believe we will all achieve greater levels of successful when we each continue to grow and then join our gifts and talents together as a team.
As the owners of Premier Care Management we are committed to leading this firm with the highest level of integrity and excellence. We seek much more than to earn your trust, we hope to inspire you to greatness not just in your career, but in every area of your life. By applying the principles of trust, honesty, respect, integrity and commitment, we believe we will nurture and maximize our talent to the benefit of each individual and to the company.
At Premier Care Management we encourage a positive work environment where diversity is a strength and suggestions for improvement are always welcomed. We value and encourage honesty and open communication. We do not avoid difficult conversations but we do agree to make our interactions with one another positive and respectful. We enjoy meeting together around our shared vision for uncompromising excellence and success in everything we do.
We recognize that we have been given a precious opportunity to be present and reach others when they have need. We trust God every day to fill our hearts with His wisdom, love and care for all. In acknowledgment of this awesome privilege and responsibility we dedicate this business to the glory of God.
Parts of this outline were inspired by The Ritz-Carlton’s Gold Standards.